From wow to how?

Why do we accept less than we deserve in order to pursue our dreams? Many of us do it. We may work for free to gain more experience in our field. We may do unpaid internships. However, when it comes to paid work, why do we take less than we should? We do this because we feel lucky to have such an amazing job, right? However, is it really such an amazing job if we must sacrifice our rights and accept questionable pay in exchange for our work? It may be a zero hours contract, no contract, never-ending trial periods, unpaid working hours and even below minimum wage. Are we not belittling our own worth? Whilst setting a standard that means future employees can either work for the same, or be considered a pain to simply expect what they are legally entitled to.

These things are bad enough, but it gets worse. When you work for someone who has so little respect for their employees, it rarely stops there. Your boss can do what they want to you, they may say things that a real boss wouldn’t be permitted to say to you. You are leaving yourself open to discrimination, bullying and you can never trust that your work will be acknowledged or rewarded. By accepting less than you deserve, you are at the mercy of your boss. They know they have a hold over you. You have the most amazing job in the world, why would you ever leave? Why would you dare question the system? Often, by accepting these terms you become complicit in this illegal act. Your employer knows this. How do you think they sleep at night? It’s very difficult to work for someone you don’t trust and without a contract there is very little you can do about it. This will lead to resentment. It is not healthy and it will affect you and your work.You may feel constantly on edge, knowing that at any moment you could be replaced by someone willing to work for even less. This is when we must listen to our gut instinct.

It’s not always easy to trust your gut instinct when pursuing your dreams. Yet, this is perhaps when we should trust it the most. If your gut instinct is telling you it’s not right when it feels like it is the best opportunity in the world, listen to it, trust it. I’m not suggesting you should never go against your gut, there are times when we say we have a gut instinct about something, when it fact we just don’t want to do it. However, we seem to be pretty good at listening to our gut when it comes to our personal lives, so I think we should pay the same attention to our professional lives. Chances are if you have found yourself in this situation, you have finally found the most amazing job in the world; you have worked extremely hard for it. You may have studied for many years, volunteered hundreds of hours of your time for free to gain more experience in your field. You have probably supported yourself along the way working in many jobs just to pay the bills, believing this would all lead to you getting that amazing job you deserve. Keep going. You will find that job. However, if you are working for less than you know you truly deserve, listen to your gut, this is not that job.


Thank you for reading. I would love to hear from anyone that can relate to this post.

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126 thoughts on “From wow to how?”

  1. I think its great I found your post today of all days. I had a huge run in with a lady I work with an hour before I left work today. She’s a huge bully and no one will confront her. I’d love to leave said job and start my own business but I’d be terrified because there are bills to pay. I’m pinning this for later as I’m going to think on this.


  2. Been there – and I think so much of it is to do with fear of ‘if I’m not going to do this HERE, where AM I going to do it? What am I going to do instead?” I couldn’t answer those questions for 9 years, and ended up horribly exploited for most of them. My gut knew it wasn’t the right job, but I was too timid and too browbeaten, to think I could find another one.

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  3. It is stressful when you feel like you need to take a job because you are in a bad situation and feel forced to accept it. It’s even worse when your boss is unfair and treats you badly. Only bide your time for as long as is necessary, then move on to a better place as soon as you can find it.

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    1. Good question. In my opinion that real gut feeling is very rarely, if ever, wrong. I guess if you are really unsure you could weigh it up against other feelings you have towards the job. Is this something you are going through just now?

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  4. This reminded me of when I worked in retail. It’s such an under-appreciated job, and I worked my booty off everyday there without so much as a good job or a thank you. Leaving that job was the best thing I ever did!

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  5. Yes! “This is the greatest place to work”, “You have the best job in the world”, “We pay you so much and take very good care of you” “No one else would pay you as much as we do”….on and on and on. I was there for years. Not there now. Best decision I ever made. Not that it was all bad, but so many times, when you are a very capable person, you will be handed so much work that eventually you’ll break. Don’t allow your boss to take advantage of your hard work either.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. AMEN sista! This was such a great post, and something I struggle with, not only professionally, but personally as well. I struggle to give up on things that I’ve put time into. Relationships, majors, jobs, etc. But All the time in the world means nothing if you’re. not. happy. Kudos to you for realizing this and being aware.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Well written. I feel laziness and complacency combined with a fear for change is what keeps us where we are, and for most parts, chains us to our present predicament; constraints movement towards where we belong.

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    1. Yes I’ve certainly been there and even though I was scared no one would want me in midlife I made the break and never felt better. I also found that I was still considered to be an excellent employee and wondered why I took so long to make the change. #blogsharelearn Sue from Sizzling Towards Sixty.


  8. Why do we accept less than we deserve in order to pursue our dreams? Great question. A lot of people ask themselves that and don’t have an answer for that. I think a lot of have low self esteem and that leads to not believing in themselves.


  9. It does get very stressful when you are forced into a situation and you don’t know the choices that you have. I got myself of an non-family friendly company, and found one that is but there will always be things that i have to grit my teeth and bear with.

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  10. There is a lot of talk about this in blogging now and what led me to decide to not do reviews for products anymore. The truth is if you work for free, you are more or less saying you don’t have value especially when companies can afford to pay you. I know there are those that don’t agree with me though. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. seriously for one to be true to theirself is something different compared to what you get to be, why should one be seen lower or lesser than they deserve to be? this is hard to take in alot of things and am glad i see someone writing about such a topic.

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  12. I love this post! As a person who overthinks and overcomplicates everything, I find it really hard to follow my dreams because I usually make myself give up on those dreams once I make the too complicated…
    Also I usually don’t feel the need to get “awarded” for something I did, because I don’t think it’s a big thing, yet on the other hand I want to get awarded for the things I worked har on but usually no one notices.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This post is dead on! Not taking less that what we are worth is what most of us struggle with and we need to not be afraid to ask for that raise or promotion. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I think sometimes it’s a matter of appreciating what you’re really worth. Some of us, especially women, suffer from the impostor syndrome, we think we’re not good enough and we shouldn’t even have that job. I say we should work more on building our confidence and than we’ll be more willing to fight for our rights! xx thanks for visiting my blog (Penny Plain Fit)

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Wow. Spot on. Love this post. And it’s very confronting. You’re right. But by saying that, I must admit it to myself either. I recognize your story. Thanks for sharing. It really helps me realize.

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  16. I watched on episode of Charmed ones and Piper was bullied by her boss. When she asked him why he said because I know you won’t say anything and you’ll do the job alone. I realized that your boss is just here to make money, and that’s why you must know you worth.


  17. I absolutely agree with this, many find themselves in these awkward situations. The worst is when we are made to believe we have no choice, and we actually believe it, entering a vicious cycle.


  18. Has starting an Etsy shop helped you feel less weighed down by a job that gave you less than you deserved? I’m fascinated by this emerging “You Economy,” and I wonder how more people can find a way to take more charge of their day-to-day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure yet. It’s a wee bit on the side that I started last winter and never really did much with. I have two others jobs, but I am hoping to get some sales on my Etsy shop this autumn/winter. Thanks for the comment

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  19. Wow , that was a pretty good read . So much truth in it , I am believer a following your gut and heart , no matter what. I rather regret the mistakes I might have done, than the missed opportunities !

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  20. I can totally relate to this. I left the world of Nursing because I felt that the patients, doctors, and the administration do not give much respect to me as a professional and do not recognize my abilities. I believe I am better off in an industry where my skills are given much importance. I am now a writer and I’ve never been happier 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Beautiful post. We talk about self worth a lot and while you don’t want to put a price on someone…we need money to survive and it takes time to make money so we do have worth. What really shocked me is how people are to scared to ask for the pay they deserve. Sometimes smaller companies really can’t pay it but you don’t know till you ask.

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  22. Some years ago, I was working a job in a career that I really wanted to pursue. Yet somehow I ended up in the worst possible scenario. My boss took more of my contracted pay than she gave me, threatened to fire me if I asked for sick days or needed a day off to care for a sick child and constantly gave me the work that no one else wanted. I finally had to decide whether I was going to let her treat me that way or go my own way. I decided to quit and am now self employed in the same industry, making my own hours and loving my career! I trusted my gut instinct which I believe is what you’re talking about here. Great post!


  23. You hit it right at the spot… I am currently in a situation where I feel used by my employer, won’t go into details too much, but sometimes I am almost crying while I am working my butt of and I am just getting NOT ONE BIT of appreciation for the work I do… It seems that she thinks I can do magic or something. Actually I am getting pissed off while writing this, whoops.

    So I am currently hunting for the next job, I want a real job, where I have a good contract and where I can build a career… If I don’t find a job sometime soon I might get into blogging fulltime… Who knows 😉


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